Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Summer Days

"It's not the face, but the expressions on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the thing you do with it. You are beautiful."

— Stephenie Meyer, The Host-

"That's what the girl friends are for, right?" I asked.
He laughed. "Yes. But for others,  too."
"Such as?"
He paused. Laughter again. "To teach cooking and helping me compile a shopping list, right? Hahaha ... yes, okay...I'm not romantic."
My turn to laugh.

That's one episode of our summer days ^^

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Gloria Putri said...

akhirnya yg ini bs dikomen :)

betewe mba enno lg baca buku2nya stephanie meyer too?
dr kmrn quotenya dr situh terus :D hehehehe

Sassy E said...

udah tamat smua kok glo... kebetulan aja ingetnya sm quote dari novel2 meyer :P