I am not a teenager or a half adult bloggers who give a damn on things that try to disrupt the preoccupations of my writing. Well, I write because this is my life. To write, I'm alive. To live, I'm writing.
Sometimes, there are people who cynically commented on my blog. I am not against criticism if it is in the form of criticism. But it seems that many people who abuse the notion of criticism as a reproach. Well, go ahead insult me, so what d'you want me to do?
I only ask for civility on my blog. Because a blog is similar to home. Just as in the neighboring country's embassy are protected by law in that country.
Do they really understand the etiquette of blogging before becoming a blogger? And as human, do they really understand the ethics of decency? Is it true they have a blog because they want to write? Or just want to find a sensation?
There are so many misunderstandings in this world, huh? And very many things that are not necessary, thrown on the people who didntt even really know you. Sometimes make annoyed, sometimes raise a laugh, sometimes make our day so interesting. That's life.
I know that sometimes my writing makes people curious. Many blogger friends of mine asked, "Is this a true story?" and I will tell them that it is real if it is real, it's fiction if it is fiction.
Oh by the way, this blog is still under construction!
FYUH! ^^