He spent a lot of energy to love. For the person who was his beloved. He drowned in a sea of love. His body was covered in the sentences of love that he spells every time. He could not see other things.
I think it is terrible and dangerous. I've asked him to think more logically and analytically. I said, nothing is eternal in this world. So is love. So is the feeling between the two lovers. There is always a possibility of it all is lost, destroyed overnight. It's just possibility when a mother kills her baby, or a father raping his daughter, or a child killed his parents. You know there are cases like that, right?
He insisted. Rest of his life for love, love and love. Then I became a witness when the love destroy what he gained, overnight. Making his life starts from zero again.
Not. Not the love that makes him a loser. But he who push himself to be a loser.
Today he again set his life. Still the same as before. For the sake of love, after he discovered a new harbor. Gather more pieces by pieces of the plan for the future with the new love.
It's horrible to see him repeat the same pattern. Living for love, not for himself. He forgot himself. Forget that there is still much more important and worth things to fight for than his love for her woman. His life. His own life is more important. Because when we die, we're going alone, right? And we are alone to be held accountable for what we've done in the world by God.
As his friend I don't mean to nag, even though he seemed to think me so.
I just feel worried, and have poor intuition about this. It was fragile relationship. But some people who think I want to ruin their relationship mocking me smartass. Yeah well, it's up to you. You also don't know better than me and could only become cheerleaders.
Don't you know, a good friend is a friend who tried to warn for good.
A Christian friend of mine once sent this quote to me, some summary thoughts from Bible. Although we are not the same religion, but what is contained in the summary is universal. I save and remember it.
He said that love should not be selfish.
That is love that goes beyond personal interest and did not demand anything for his personal. So we're not easily frustrated when love is not reciprocated and not been satisfactorily addressed and do not bring contentment. In other words is unconditionally love.
Also not love just driven by the psychological impetus for the love and attention to each other. Nor was it love that is given to a profit for himself. And not a love that requires others to pay attention to himself so that his life is recognized as one who gives love.
Then about dreams. Ideals. Destination. I also had one thought for myself.
Ask yourself. 'To whom all this?' Do you want to fulfill that dream for the sake of getting acceptance from others or do it for yourself?
Your dreams do not need approval from others, this all relates to your life, not theirs. Pursuing a dream just for the reception can be seen from: You think about what is not acceptable to others? Did you make them happy, or you are happy?
Have a dream because you really want is something important and meaningful to your life. Indeed, acceptance of others is fun. But, if others (especially someone you love) do not approve the way of life you choose, do not let that deter you. Have the courage to be yourself and live a life that you deem appropriate, and not the life that is considered worthy by others.
I'm just a friend who care for him so much. With the risk he took me nag and the cheerleaders abuse me.
It's okay.