Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cravings Galaxy

I woke up this morning and suddenly want to go to Bosscha Observatory in Lembang Bandung. I was googling and found out that to visit there must enroll two weeks earlier. Aaaarrgghh! But I want to go todaaay!

Finally, I must be patient and contact several cousins in Bandung to go together. The problem is, they rarely have the same interests with me. "Seeing stars?" They asked in surprise. "Why?"
Ggggrrrhh... vexing question!

So it seems still a little longer I can go there. Maybe after going to the Green Canyon with Eka. Just see later.

First, I must take care of registration to Boscha registration officers. It hasn't been definitely approved by them, because after 200 people registered in that month, registration is closed and must register for the next month. Eerr... or perhaps 200 visitors per day? Hihihi...I think I should be asked directly at the registrar. Get ready with my fussiness, OK? :))

Second, I want to sign up for Night Visiting program. Because the views of galaxies and the moon will be more clearly at night. The problem is, Night Visiting only held in April to October, three days per month with 200 visitors capacity!

Btw, this blog contains only plans huh?
Hiyaaaaa! So when can I go?

*grmbl grmbl grmbl*

PS: for those who also want to go to Bosscha Observatory, check out their website here.

Bamberg Telescope

the museum terrace

Sirius, the brightest star in the night!

Canopus, brightest star in Carinae constellation, and also the second brightest star in the night sky after Sirius

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