Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This Nausea is Killing Me

Hi! I'm sick. Lying weakly in bed since yesterday afternoon. Looks like I got a cold. My stomach bloating, nausea, heartburn, and should be back and forth to the restroom once an hour. I was able to sleep at two in the morning! Hiks ...

Today I had to not cook, because I was too weak to go to the kitchen. So I buy lunch food at the stall for the gardeners. I'm angry, no one helps me clean the house. My sister-in-law have to go to school (she's a teacher), I am alone at home. Dad cooking rice this morning, and when I taste the rice was still half-baked! Aaargh!

This house is a mess without me!

Actually there's a good news this morning. Ari told me that the new netbook ready to be sent. But he would not tell what brand and what color. He just said the price! I've said previously I don't want a black color if there are other options. I'm so curious. Sigh!

Now I wanna go to the restroom again! See ya!
*run headlong* :))


sayamaya said...

wah wah.. tampilanbaru neh, lebih segar euy!
hihihi.. nasi stgh matangnya jgn diterusin loh, tar skt perut. aku udah lewat tuh sakitnya no. kmren seminggu adl hal buruk. sariawan dimana2, gw susah bener buat makan :((

hei, tar netbook nya di posting ya, hohoho. jd penasaran jg. get well soon dear enno :)

Gloria Putri said...

kayak judul lagunya d'massive mba....."cinta ini membunuhku"...yg ini "mual ini membunuhku"
lha'ik, jgn2 km hamil mba? xixixi...kidding mba :) piss
cepet sembuh ya mba enno sayang....biar bs nulis2 lagi :) biar bs masak lagi, dan nulis resep masak :)) (aq bs nya cm masak nasi) xixixixi..
cup2 muach2 buat mba enno cantik :)

Unknown said...

Semoga cepat sembuh, mbak Enno..
kadang kalo terus dipikirin malah jadinya stress sendiri dan tambah sakit.

take your time, you need some rests :)

Enno said...

@maya: tampilan baru apaan? prasaan dari awal blum ganti lagi may... haha... nasinya gw kukus lagi lah may... untung ga pake sariawan kyk kamu, huh plg bete klo sariawan ya. laper tp ga bs makan haha :P thx doanya :)

@gloria: ah yg mau menghamilinya kan ga disini glo ehehe... udah mendingan skrg, makanya bs bales komen.. GBU too :)

@erni: iya bener er... thx yaaa udah mendingan kok :)