Monday, March 14, 2011

Pray for Japan

My nightmares come again. The nightmare that emerged after my reportation about tsunami in Aceh many years ago. The nightmares are also experienced by my journalists friends who went to Aceh with me. Some of them had to consult a psychiatrist because of trauma.

The nightmare of rotting corpses in the gutters and the edges of the road. The houses are nearly flat on the ground, little children who cry hard to find her parents, rancid and foul smell that floated in the air to make you could not breathe. All came back last night, after I watch the coverage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan a few days ago.

My tears never stopped flowing, although I do not know them. Although they do not compatriot with me. But in the name of humanity, our brotherhood is real.

This tsunami was even more horrible than the tsunami in Aceh, because they were there in danger of radioactive of nuclear reactor that exploded due to earthquake.

I grieve deeply, condolences to the victims who died.

I pray for Japan.

Show your support for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan today by putting a ‘Pray For Japan’ ribbon on your profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and beyond.

Just click here to get the stamp!


sayamaya said...

enno.... itu pict header nya pernah aku pake di akun fb ku loh, hahahhaa.... love that pic.
and oh, ane udah join poto dr situs yg tadi km kasih.
thank u :)

Enno said...

@maya: iyaaa...bagus ya pictnyaaa :D
makanya aku pake hihihi

aku malah belum pasang ribbon di profilku...
kemaren lupaaa (rekomen ke org, malah pikun sendiri!) wkwkwk
